Interactive Animations in SwiftUI

Deepak Tundwal
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Introduction to Interactive Animations in SwiftUI

Welcome to another exciting chapter in our comprehensive series on SwiftUI animations! This article, “Interactive Animations in SwiftUI,” focuses on bringing a new dimension of user interaction to your iOS applications. Following our deep dive into advanced animation techniques, we now turn our attention to how animations can not only enhance the visual appeal of an app but also make it more engaging and intuitive.

In this installment, we explore the power of interactive animations — those that respond to user inputs and gestures. We’ll discuss how SwiftUI enables us to integrate touch and drag gestures seamlessly into our animations, creating a dynamic and responsive user experience. We’ll also delve into state-driven animations, which are crucial for creating fluid and responsive interfaces that react to changes in your app’s state in real time.

Whether you’re a seasoned iOS developer or still getting acquainted with SwiftUI, this article aims to equip you with the skills to create animations that are not just visually impressive but also interactive and user-friendly. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to make your SwiftUI apps feel more alive and reactive to user interactions.

Integrating Touch and Drag Gestures:
SwiftUI provides a variety of gestures, including tap, long press, and drag. You can link these gestures to animations, allowing users to interact with your app in a more engaging way. For example, a drag gesture can be used to control the position or transformation of a view.

State-Driven Animations: Reacting to App State Changes. Animations can be dynamically controlled by changes in your app’s state. SwiftUI’s data-driven approach makes it straightforward to create animations that respond to state changes.

Animating with State Changes:
Whenever a state variable changes, you can trigger an animation that reflects this change in your UI. This is particularly useful for showing or hiding elements, changing layouts, or creating transition effects.

SwiftUI’s List and Grid views are commonly used for displaying collections of data. Adding animations to these views can significantly enhance the user experience.

Code Example: Gesture-Driven Interactive Animation

Let’s create an interactive card view that users can drag around the screen. The card will also change color based on its position.

import SwiftUI

struct InteractiveCardView: View {
@State private var dragState =

var body: some View {
.fill(dragState == .zero ? :
.frame(width: 150, height: 250)
.shadow(radius: 4)
.animation(.spring(), value: dragState)
.onChanged { value in
dragState = value.translation
.onEnded { _ in
dragState = .zero

struct InteractiveCardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

In this example:

  • We use a Rectangle to represent a card.
  • A DragGesture is added to allow users to move the card. The .onChanged modifier updates dragState, which controls the card’s offset.
  • When the drag ends, the .onEnded modifier resets dragState to zero, bringing the card back to its original position.
  • The card’s color changes based on whether it’s being dragged or not.

This section of the series dives into interactive animations, showcasing how to integrate gestures and state changes into your SwiftUI animations. The example provided demonstrates how to create an interactive, gesture-driven UI element, illustrating the principles of interactive animations in SwiftUI. This approach can be adapted and expanded upon for various use cases, making your iOS apps more dynamic and engaging.

This article, with its code examples and explanations, aims to deepen the understanding of SwiftUI animations. The subsequent articles in the series will continue to explore more complex animation types and their practical applications.



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